Pregnancy is an amazing time when you can dream, you can plan, you can eat (everything on the safe list at least!).
There are just so many great things about being pregnant.
You can be as irrational as you like without anyone daring to tell you that you’re in the wrong!
Let’s be honest, nobody dare argue with a pregnant woman, and rightly so.
So, to celebrate the wonder of pregnancy, let’s look at the 11 best things about being pregnant.
You’re likely to experience over half of these plus points, and if you’re lucky, you’re going to experience them all.
1. You Might Have That ‘Pregnancy’ Glow
Everyone knows that a pregnant woman has a glow that can’t be imitated, even by the biggest skincare brands.
You will probably notice that your complexion clears up, you won’t get those pesky hormone breakouts you got when you were menstruating, and you will simply have a fresh, clear glow that you will want to keep postpartum too.
The bad news is that you might not get to keep it after pregnancy.
2. You Have Permission to Put Your Feet up
You are supposed to rest when you’re having a baby, you’re growing a human, after all. It’s an exhausting business.
This means that you can take guilt-free naps, you can sit down when everyone else is standing up, and you can relax when you would otherwise be rushing around doing a million jobs.
Make the most of it.
3. It’s Time to Flaunt Your Belly, Not Hide it
Many women would say that their belly is their problem spot, and spend half their days trying to cover it up and disguise it.
If this is you, pregnancy is the time to do the total opposite. You can flaunt your growing belly, be proud of it, and when people pat it and give congratulations you can feel great about yourself.
4. You’ll Get The Last Seat on The Bus
Everyone lets a pregnant lady sit down, so if the bus or train is packed, you can be sure that someone will let you take their seat – bonus!
No need to stand all the way home, you can chill out and enjoy the ride instead, all thanks to that growing life inside of you.
5. Longer and Stronger Nails
Many women notice that their nails become much stronger and grow faster during pregnancy.
So, if you’ve always been someone who has had issues growing their nails, e.g. they always spit and break or become brittle, the influx of hormones around your body will turn that situation right on its head.
6. Always Wanted Bigger Boobs?
If you have always wanted a more impressive cleavage, you’re about to get it!
During pregnancy, a woman’s breasts grow, and sometimes they can grow rather large indeed.
This is the time to wear that push-up bra, though in all honesty you probably won’t need the extra padding, and flaunt what Mother Nature is giving you.
7. You Will Exude a Real Sense of Excitement For The Future
While you’re going to have your moments of ‘oh my god’ and a little panic from time to time, overall, pregnancy is a time of excitement and real hope for the future.
You’re populating the Earth with a mini you, and there really is no more joyful time.
After the birth comes tiredness, but before it, you can really look forward and dream of what’s to come.
8. You Might Have Better Sex
We’re going to say ‘might’ on this one, because every woman is different, but many women report that they actually have a better libido during pregnancy.
This can ebb and flow, and it’s not likely to be the case during the first trimester when morning sickness could be an issue, but after that, many women report that they not only want sex more often, but that they enjoy it more too.
This could be due to the huge amount of hormones flying around your body, and the fact that the increase in vaginal lubrication is likely to make the whole process more comfortable, and more fun!
9. You Get a Baby Shower (And Presents)
Pregnant women get presents for their impending arrival, and they get presents for themselves too. What’s not to love about that?
10. You Get to Shop!
Truly one of the best things about pregnancy – it is a time when you are free to shop ‘til you drop!
Go shopping for adorable baby clothes, beautiful nursery equipment, and all those gadgets you see in magazines.
No guilt involved, because it’s not for you, it’s for baby!
11. The End Result
Without a doubt the biggest perk of all, and the number one best thing about being pregnant is what you get at the end of it – your brand new baby, your son or daughter (maybe even both).
Throughout the nine months leading up to giving birth, you will spend endless hours searching for names, dreaming of what he or she will look like, preparing for the joys of motherhood and perhaps even plan for a house move or a bigger car, to make life easier after delivery.
All that matters at the end of all of this is that your new bundle of joy is healthy and happy.
That, ladies, is the number one perk of those long nine months.
Yes, pregnancy can be challenging, it can be tiring, and it can be uncomfortable, but it is a time of major advantages to. Better skin, shiny hair, bigger boobs, presents, and the last seat on the bus, what more could a girl wish for?
- https://americanpregnancy.org/your-pregnancy/pregnancy-glow/
- https://www.webmd.com/baby/news/20010726/expecting-baby-expect-changes-in-skin-hair-nails#1
- https://www.livescience.com/50713-pregnancy-sleep.html
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324319.php