We all know that pregnancy comes with its own set of quirks that stem from changing hormones and the fact that you’re growing a brand new human.
It’s common knowledge that most women experience symptoms like nausea, breasts getting sore, being tired, swelling, cravings or some variation or combination of these symptoms.
But did you know that on top of the “normal” symptoms, there are hundreds of other weird symptoms that a pregnant woman can experience?
Here Are 60 of the Most Unusual…
1. Wildly vivid dreams/nightmares. These will wake you up in the middle of the night firmly believing that what you just dreamed really did happen.
2. Bleeding gums. Not just when you’re brushing or flossing but gums bleeding at random times.
3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can develop at anytime during pregnancy and randomly disappears after birth.
4. PICA disorder is the craving to eat or smell non edibles such as soil, soap, ice, clay etc. It can develop at any time during pregnancy.
5. Intense itching, most commonly on hands, feet or arms but can develop anywhere on the body. It can have underlying medical reasons but is also often diagnosed as a symptom of pregnancy.
6. Food aversions. The inability to see, smell or eat a certain food.
7. Aversion to certain smells, suddenly disliking the smell of coffee, soap or your favorite perfume.
8. Craving a certain smell such as gasoline, exhaust, perfumes, dryer sheets etc.
9. Everything you eat or drink has a distinct metallic taste.
10. Sciatica is nerve pain that runs from the lower back into the legs.
11. Nose bleeds which can range from just a few drops to severe bleeds that require medical intervention.
12. An aversion to brushing your teeth, this can range from just not liking the feel of the brush to getting physically ill at the thought of brushing your teeth.
13. Aversion to showering. This could go hand in hand with an aversion to the smell of soaps.
14. Aversion to being touched. This could be just an aversion to having someone touch your stomach to not
wanting your significant other to even touch your hand.
15. Very strong smelling urine. You think asparagus pee is strong, wait until you smell pregnancy pee!
16. Cystic acne can appear anywhere on your body.
17. Growth of excessive body hair can appear on your belly, arms, legs, or face.
18. Alopecia. You can start losing hair in any part of your body. It can be selective to just one body part or all over hair loss.
19. Intercostal muscle strain. Your intercostal muscles lie between your ribs, as your ribs start flexing to make room for baby the muscles can be strained and painful.
20. Excessive sneezing. There are some women that sneeze a few times a day and others who sneeze constantly throughout the day – every day.
21. Hiccups. Like sneezing, some women get them once a day, while others have them throughout their entire pregnancy.
22. Pregnancy induced vertigo. The water you retain during pregnancy can even be retained in your ears causing vertigo.
23. Skin sensitivity. Your normal makeup, lotions or cleansers suddenly cause itching or breakouts.
24. Xanthelasma is yellowish deposits of cholesterol that builds up under the skin usually around the eyelids. While they aren’t harmful or painful they can be unsightly.
25. Sore scalp.The feeling of constantly having your hair hair pulled tight even if it’s down.
26. Improved eyesight. Some women have experienced better eyesight to the point of not needing their prescription contacts or glasses.
27. Diminished eyesight. Some women can go from perfect 20/20 eyesight to needing to use glasses or contacts through the duration of their pregnancy.
28. Migraines. These range from mild to debilitating and can last for the entirety of the pregnancy or just a few weeks or months.
29. Restless leg syndrome and leg cramps. Some women experience them daily or nightly.
30. Accelerated sex drive. While this is most common during the last trimester some women experience this throughout their whole pregnancy.
31. Nonexistent sex drive. This is generally experienced in the first trimester, however some women feel no drive for the entire pregnancy.
32. Plantar fasciitis complete with plantar warts is a painful foot condition.
33. Hyperemesis gravidarum is excessive nausea and vomiting that goes beyond normal nausea and often requires hospitalization.
34. Fingernails and toenails falling off.
35. Burping. This sometimes goes hand in hand with indigestion but some women experience excessive burping.
36. Pyogenic granuloma or pregnancy tumors usually appear in or around the mouth or genitals but can appear anywhere.
37. Keratosis Pilarus is the overgrowth of protein that causes small red bumps around hair follicles on the body.
38. Skin tags are growths of skin that stick out.
39. The skin over the rib cage burns like someone is holding a lighter to it, possibly caused by the skin stretching to accommodate the baby.
40. Bell’s palsy. The swelling of nerves can cause facial paralysis.
41. Toothaches. You can have completely healthy teeth and get horrible toothaches for no apparent reason.
42. Hyper sensitive to touch. This can make you feel like you have bugs crawling on you or make you feel like you’re on the verge of sexual climax at all times.
43. Testosterone starts building around 7 weeks if you’re having a boy, this can sometimes cause you to break out in an all over rash.
44. Hives that appear for no known reason and can stay for a few hours, days or weeks.
45. Becoming lactose intolerant (or tolerant) for the duration of your pregnancy.
46. Motion sickness. This can happen anytime you’re in a car other women can drive without it happening but as a passenger they get sick.
47. Insomnia can start before you even know you’re pregnant or as late as your third trimester.
48. Sinus problems. From a stuffy nose to a runny nose and drainage.
49. Pulsatile Tinnitus is where you can hear your heartbeat drumming in your ears. It can be a background noise or so loud it drowns out people talking to you.
50. Hypersalivation where you are constantly salivating.
51. Dry mouth where you constantly feel like you need a drink.
52. Lightning crotch, where you have a sharp stabbing pain in your vagina.
53. Numb tongue it can last for a few seconds to hours.
54. Hair changes from curly to straight or straight to curly. Sometimes it goes back to normal after birth.
55. Absence seizures where you have periods of starring off into space and not responding to outside stimulation.
56. Varicose veins in your vaginal area.
57. Body parts getting bigger, nose, feet or hands getting bigger and not related to normal pregnancy swelling.
58. Joint pain or swelling with no injury present.
59. Dark lines developing on the belly and face.
60. Heart racing uncontrollably. It can happen once or twice or all throughout the pregnancy.
So did you learn any new weird pregnancy symptoms?