When you find out you’re pregnant one of the first things you’ll want to know is if you’re having a boy or a girl.
Of course, the best way to know ahead of time is with a sonogram or a blood test but some people swear by certain signs to predict the baby’s gender.
Most of these signs are old wive’s tales and have absolutely no basis in science, while others actually have at least a little scientific reasoning to back them up.
So just for fun, let’s look at the pregnancy symptoms of having a baby girl. But do take these with a heavy pinch of salt.
Symptoms of Having a Baby Girl
1. Higher fetal heart rate
If the heart rate of your baby is above 140 beats per minute it’s said that it’s more likely you will have a girl.
2. Acne/oily skin
It’s said that the extra female hormones from carrying a girl can cause these symptoms. This may or may not be accurate but it does go along with the old wives’ tale of baby girls stealing your beauty.
3. Craving sweets
This one is hit or miss but what girl doesn’t love sweets?!?
4. The baking powder test
Put the baking powder in a cup and add some of your pee to it. If nothing happens it’s a girl, if it fizzes it’s a boy. I’m not saying this works 100% but it was right for my daughter!
5. Mood swings
Those who are pregnant with girls often say they have stronger mood swings. This could be attributed to the extra female hormones that come with carrying a baby girl.
6. Extreme morning sickness
Research has shown some evidence that girls are more likely to cause excessive nausea than boys.
7. Carrying high could indicate you’re having a girl
Some claim that having a high baby bump is one of the most common symptoms that you have a baby girl in your belly. This isn’t necessarily true, but it’s fun to speculate.
8. Dreaming of a boy?
It’s said that if you dream that you’re having one gender you’re actually carrying the opposite gender.
9. Linea nigra
The dark line that goes up your belly when you’re pregnant. If it ends before it reaches your belly button you could be carrying a girl.
10. The garlic test
This is a weird one. If you eat a clove of garlic and your body odor does not change, then you’re likely carrying a girl.
11. Your sleep position
If you are more inclined to sleep on your right side over your left then it’s said that you’re more likely to be carrying a girl.
12. If your hair is oily
Thin or dull there’s a good chance you are carrying a girl.
13. Color of your urine
The myth goes that if your pee is a dull yellow color you could very well be carrying a girl.
14. The ring test
This is one of the oldest old wives’ tales around. Tie your ring to a string or strand of hair and dangle it over your belly without restricting the movement. If the ring moves in a circular motion you may be carrying a girl.
15. Toddlers interest
This one can only be tested if you have a toddler at home already. If your toddler boy shows a lot of interest in your belly it may indicate you’re carrying a girl.
16. The shape of your belly
If you carry your baby weight in the middle there’s a good chance you’re having a girl.
17. The skull theory
Now for a method of gender prediction that may actually work! If your ultrasound picture shows a tapered head and rounded jaw it could indicate the baby is a girl.
18. Ramzi method
Another method surprisingly backed by science. If the placenta is located on the right side in early ultrasound pictures it is likely you are carrying a girl.
This one takes a lot of research to get it right but it’s 97.5% accurate when predicting girls and 92.7% accurate with boys.
So there you go. 18 ways of predicting or knowing the symptoms of having a baby girl.
Now, why not read about the signs and symptoms for a baby boy to see if you can rule any out?
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321092.php
- http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/parenting/pregnancy/news/a27659/morning-sickness-worse-if-its-a-girl/
- https://www.netmums.com/pregnancy/skull-theory
- https://www.thegenderexperts.com/ramzi-theory/
- https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/signs-of-having-baby-girl
- https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/predicting-sex-of-baby