Fortunately, becoming pregnant is not synonymous with being eternally “fat” in the time following. So no, you don’t have to get fat after being pregnant.
You’ll be pleased to hear that the amount of weight you gain following your pregnancy (and to some extent during it) it is absolutely within your control.
Essential Baby Weight Gain
Gaining weight during pregnancy is basically unavoidable. Babies reach an average of 8 pounds by the time you deliver, plus your placenta accounts for a couple of pounds, then there’s the amniotic fluid and the extra blood.
All in all, most women average a weight gain of 20 – 28 pounds by the time they’re full term. And that’s just down to the pregnancy.
Luckily, you’ll be rid of them all as soon as your little one arrives!
Already overweight?
If you’re already overweight when you become pregnant, know that it is possible to completely revamp your diet in such a way that you do not have to gain any excess weight during your pregnancy.
Yes, you read that correctly.
As a bonus to your healthy efforts, when you do deliver your child (and your placenta and all that amniotic fluid), you could essentially weigh less post-pregnancy than you did at its start.
It’s important to note that pregnancy is not an ideal time to begin a restricted diet, but if you’re making much healthier decisions than you were previously, this is an achievable goal.
Keep Cravings Under Control
It’s those darn pregnancy cravings that cause us to satisfy our hyperactive emotions with our favorite salts and sweets.
Afterwards, it’s often the lifestyle adjustment that occurs following birth that would contribute to pounds that just keep sticking around.
Depending on your body type and how much weight you gained during pregnancy, your torso may quickly snap back to its original form following delivery. You may also find yourself needing to put in extra time at the gym to firm up a flabbier tummy than before.
Get Yourself Sorted While You’re Pregnant
To limit the amount of weight you’ll need to lose post-pregnancy, try to get yourself in check before getting pregnant. If you haven’t already, begin a healthy lifestyle that will benefit both you and your child long-term. Throughout your pregnancy, indulge in just a few cravings, but keep your diet and activity in check.
Definitely don’t get into the mindset of “eating for two”. It’s unnecessary and will probably lead you exactly where you don’t want to go weight wise.
Related Content: What does it feel like to be pregnant? How does it feel internally for pregnant women?
Post Pregnancy Lifestyle Factors
One of the biggest contributors to remaining chubby post-pregnancy is simply the toll that having a child takes on your lifestyle. Moms are often so busy that they find themselves eating sporadically or eating unhealthy options.
This is coupled with prioritizing the needs of their little ones, making it seemingly impossible to make time for themselves to hit the gym or take a weekly yoga class. Caring for a newborn comes with fatigue. Sometimes it feels like a hamster wheel—there’s a ton of effort, and little reward.
It’s important to remember that, just because your mind is running constantly, unfortunately, it won’t burn you any calories.
Caring for Yourself
Dietary changes and increased exercise—particularly those that were frowned upon in the later stages of your pregnancy due to their intensity—would help you burn fat. If childcare is a concern, there are plenty of mommy/baby groups all over the internet (and probably right in your neighborhood) just waiting for you to join.
If groups aren’t your thing, simple activities such as walking your baby around the block, visiting a park, window-shopping the length of the mall, and short HIT workouts are all effective and fun means of shifting any pregnancy weight.
Many people are getting pregnant and scared, but there’s nothing to worry about when you’re taking good care of yourself and treating each symptom that shows up.
Breastfeeding – The Weight-loss Miracle
Often weight gain of the fat kind happens in pregnancy because your body is storing up calories in anticipation for feeding your baby. So if you decide to breastfeed once baby is born you’ll more than likely see all that extra fat melt away and going into making your baby grow big and strong instead.
As a heads up, once your baby becomes a toddler, you’ll be running after that child so often, you’ll wish you tackled getting your health under control sooner than later.
However (and whenever) you choose to tackle your weight situation, a destiny of “fat” is only the case following pregnancy if you allow it to be.