Are you pregnant and worried about how the coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) could affect yours and your baby’s health? Or maybe you already have children and are concerned about them becoming sick with Covid-19.
I know as a mom of three myself, the spread of this novel virus has been a big concern of mine. I’ve been preparing like mad for a possible quarantine. (I wrote a guide to preparing for a coronavirus pandemic if you need some ideas.)
I’ve followed the spread of coronavirus from the start and have read many of the early medical studies. One of my favorite sources of well researched, up-to-date information is Dr John Campbell, a semi-retired medical professor, emergency medicine specialist and author. I’ve linked to two of his videos on coronavirus, pregnancy and babies below.
As of writing we don’t yet know how things will play out, but there are three things discovered in the early studies that should reassure you a little as a mom or mom-to-be.
Coronavirus Effects in Children
Young children are often hardest hit by pathogens, but with coronavirus that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Children seem to experience the mildest symptoms of the disease and are very frequently symptom free. That includes babies and newborns.
Very few babies and children have been affected by the disease, and going by the study published in The Lancet those that have, didn’t need intensive care.
Coronavirus in Pregnant Women
Another small study published in The Lancet tentatively discovered that pregnant women are NOT anymore likely to have worse symptoms or outcomes than other adults with the virus.
This is very good news because pregnant women can suffer more intense symptoms with certain infections due to the immunosuppressant effects during pregnancy.
Coronavirus Transmission to Unborn Babies
The same small study found no signs of intrauterine transmission between mother and baby and did not note any significant problems for the baby while in the womb.