The female body can do some seriously freaky things during pregnancy and sadly, your lady bits are NOT immune.
Not only do most bodily parts increase in size (waaaah) and the plainest foods give you painful heartburn – your VJ may experience some shockingly funky symptoms too.
Yes, there are some very weird things that can happen to your VJ, vulva and cervix during those magical few months.
How can you tell if they’re happening to you though?
Some changes will be glaringly obvious, and others….well, you may need some help to discover them.
By the time your third trimester rolls around, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be flexible enough to have a good look ‘down there’.
You’ll have to get your phone on a selfie stick to see if vulvarine has turned blue or purple.
Not only can your VJ look, smell and even taste different during pregnancy, but it can also be subject to a good beating by your unborn baby.
Yes, babies kick in the most unfortunate of places!
Here are some things to look out for.
1. Ooh ooh ooh – Amazing Orgasms
Let’s start with a positive. In fact, a MASSIVE positive!
During pregnancy, it’s likely that you will experience bigger and better orgasms.
Good news, right?
This is because the amount of blood in your body increases by around 50% in volume.
The knock on effect of this can be that your vagina and vulva are even more sensitive than normal.
There is so much blood flow down there she can also appear swollen in appearance.
Like most things in pregnancy, hormones have a lot to do with this.
You will have higher levels of oxytocin and oestrogen which translates into hugely increased sensitivity and fantastic orgasms.
Many women find themselves craving sex more during certain points of their pregnancy and if it’s that way for you, get it on, either by yourself or with your partner.
2. Electric Shocks in the Crotch
Yes, ‘lightning crotch’ is a very REAL THING that happens during pregnancy.
Electric shock-like shooting pains zap the inside the vagina (or even the rectum) and leave you gasping for breath – and not in a good way.
Lightening crotch can be quite unpleasant to say the least.
It’s most likely to occur during the third trimester – as if you don’t have enough to deal with!
3. You Might Smell or Taste Different
The vagina can smell differently at any time of a woman’s cycle but during pregnancy this is far more likely to be the case.
These changes are down to those rampaging hormones and a change in the acidity (pH) level of the vagina.
You may also taste differently during pregnancy.
Your precious flower may become more acidic or metallic in taste, or even saltier.
4. Discharge, Lots and Lots of Discharge!
No you can’t put the pads away just yet, in fact you may need even more than usual.
An increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy is extremely common.
Often it’s just extra lubrication that your cervix produces and doesn’t need treatment, but it could be a sign of infection too.
If you’re not sure what you’re experiencing down there is normal or not, get checked out.
Don’t worry, they’ve seen it all before!
5. An Itchy Vag
As we have mentioned already, the acidity level (pH) within the vagina changes during pregnancy, which can result in different types of gloop coming out.
That isn’t the only effect – you might find that you feel like you have ants in your pants, quite literally.
An itchy vagina is common during pregnancy, but if it is associated with thick or differently colored discharge, or a strange smell, get checked out as you may have a yeast infection.
6. An Increased Chance of a Vaginal Infection
Those hormones have a lot to answer for, and in this case they may lead to an increased chance of you developing a rather irritating infection in your most sensitive of areas.
This can be anything from a yeast infection (very common), to BV or a urinary tract infection (UTI).
During pregnancy the risk of a UTI developing into a kidney infection is a little higher, so if you do think you have a UTI, get it checked out without delay.
7. Varicose Veins – In The Vagina
Yes, really.
You thought those annoying veins were just for the legs? Wrong!
During pregnancy you may notice that the veins in the vaginal area become larger, start to bulge and become rather sore.
These are the rarely discussed vaginal varicose veins (hemorroids for the vag) and are caused by the weight of the baby putting pressure on the blood vessels in the area.
This painful change to your lady bits is more likely during the second or third trimester.
8. Your Fuzzbox Turns Blue or Purple
No you’re not turning into a smurf!
If you manage to get past your belly and notice that your vulva has a blue or purple tinge, you’re experiencing something called Chadwick’s Sign.
It’s caused by the increased flow of blood into the vulval area during pregnancy.
Your rainbow crotch should disappear shortly after the baby is born.
9. Kicked in Your Punani
Yes, it may feel like your baby is kicking or punching you in the vagina, but to be specific it’s actually the cervix.
This freakiest of sensations is most common during the third trimester, when the baby is large and doesn’t have as much room to move.
Yes, it’s uncomfortable, but the good news is that it is going to go away quite soon!
Related: 60 REALLY Weird Pregnancy Symptoms to Watch Out For
If you thought pregnancy was all about morning sickness and cravings, you’re wrong!
There are many strange and downright freaky symptoms that go alongside growing a new life inside of you, and they’re mostly just a normal part of the process that pregnant woman have to endure.
- https://www.webmd.com/baby/features/sex-during-pregnancy-is-it-safe
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322088.php
- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/vaginal-discharge-pregnant/
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vaginitis/expert-answers/yeast-infection-during-pregnancy/faq-20058355
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5500487/
- https://www.parents.com/pregnancy/my-body/aches-pains/vaginal-infections-during-pregnancy/