Telling your parents that you’re pregnant can be extremely scary and nerve-wracking, especially if you’re underage and the pregnancy is unexpected. Your parents may have religious or moral beliefs that will cause you to be anxious and hesitant to reveal your news.
Since you’re going to be a mother, a role that requires the utmost maturity and responsibility– expectations that are not otherwise expected of someone your age– try exhibiting these skills now by approaching this situation with your parents’ point of view in mind.
Your parents want what’s best for you, and an unexpected pregnancy—that is, one that occurred underage, unexpectedly, without a father figure, etc.—is undoubtedly a wrench in an otherwise less challenging life path for you, and your offspring.
Your parents also already know that they will likely be looked to as a crutch for financial or childcare purposes, a fork in their road towards, perhaps, retirement.
As a result, your parents have a right to be disappointed or saddened by your news.Whether you realized it at the time or not, your news impacts more people than you and the child’s father, and it’s fair that your parents be given the opportunity to react to that news as emotionally as they need to. I imagine your reaction to finding out about your pregnancy was highly emotional as well.
That being said, they likely won’t hate you for it, and, no matter the case, they’d appreciate knowing sooner than later so that any necessary preparations can be kicked into high gear now.
It’s probably best to ask your parents if you could speak with them privately in a quiet area. This is probably best done at home and not, for example, at a restaurant, in case your parents become overly emotional about the news.
At this point, there is no changing your circumstance, only facing it. There’s a good chance that your parents will support you through your journey once they’re made aware of it and, at this time in your life, their support is all you need.