Well no, you don’t have to orgasm to get pregnant, but where’s the fun in that?
But does it make it easier to conceive? There is some evidence that female orgasm helps but it’s not conclusive.
Much like some men, the female body doesn’t seem to really care all that much if you orgasm as long as the man does.
As long as there aren’t any medical issues and you are in the “fertile phase” of your cycle, there is a chance of conception.
For most women, this is between 10 and 17 days after the first day of menstruation.
There are two main theories in support of female orgasm helping conception.
The first is that the uterine contractions experienced during orgasm form a vacuum that “sucks” the sperm further into the uterus and thus closer to the Fallopian tubes, where fertilization usually occurs.
The second theory is that an orgasm relaxes the woman, making it more likely that she will lay down and go to sleep afterwards.
Since laying motionless gives the sperm more time to swim without fighting gravity, there is more of a chance to reach the egg.
There hasn’t been a lot of scientific study into either of these theories, but what there is has been largely inconclusive.
However, the results tend towards female orgasm not really making a difference. This is good news for women who are trying to get pregnant but have difficulty climaxing.
It’s also good news for women looking to conceive who are trying so hard to orgasm that they psych themselves out of it.
So, would an orgasm help you get pregnant? Meh, maybe. There’s no doubt it would make the experience more enjoyable though.
The psychological aspect of great orgasmic sex shouldn’t be overlooked.
While lack of an orgasm probably won’t interfere with conception, stress definitely does.
For many women struggling to get pregnant, there is a huge amount of stress and disappointment when it just doesn’t seem to be working.
Sometimes sex turns into more of a chore and less of connection between partners.
While a romantic evening with lots of foreplay (and I do mean LOTS) leading to several amazing orgasms won’t necessarily help you get pregnant, it most certainly will relax you.
It will also help you reconnect and strengthen the bond with your partner.
Neither of those outcomes is a bad thing when trying to bring a new life into this world.
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347213002121
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347283712728
- https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-06/why-orgasming-doesnt-help-you-conceive
- https://www.verywellfamily.com/does-female-orgasm-boost-your-odds-of-getting-pregnant-1960265
- https://www.health.com/sex/orgasm-get-pregnant
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/ritarubin/2016/08/02/women-dont-have-to-have-organisms-to-get-pregnant-so-why-the-heck-do-we-have-them/#4ed905203b33