The moment you find out you’re pregnant the question of whether you’re having a girl or a boy probably isn’t the first thought you have.
Shock, surprise, joy – they’re usually the first reactions.
But after the reality has sunk in, wondering what sex of baby you’re having usually comes next.
Will it be a beautiful little princess or a handsome little prince?
To find out if you’re having a boy you can either wait until your at least 9 weeks pregnant and do a gender blood test or wait even longer for the sonographer to tell you.
But is it actually possible to predict what you’re having prior to either of those tests?
The truth is it’s debatable.
We have all heard about the old trick with the ring on a piece of string, and the way it spins signaling what gender baby you’re having.
Do you believe it?
It’s probably best not to.
The only solid ways to know whether you’re having a boy are by a blood test or at your ultrasound scan appointment.
But just for fun let’s take a look at these rumored indicators and pregnancy symptoms that you’re having a baby boy.
A Lack of Morning Sickness
Of course morning sickness doesn’t necessarily have to be in the morning, it can be at any time of the day (rather annoyingly), but there is a suggestion that if you’re zero on the morning sickness scale it could be a sign you’re having a boy.
A Slow and Steady Heart Rate
When you have your sonogram the technician or doctor will normally tell you baby’s heart rate. There is a suggestion that if baby’s heart rate is under 140 beats per minute on a consistent basis, e.g. slow and steady (in a good way), then it could mean that a little boy is coming your way.
Spots Come Your Way
We’re not talking about full on acne symptoms, but if you notice that you’re getting more spots and pimples than you normally would it could mean you’re having a boy.
This is all to do with hormones, of course. Those wonderful, wonderful hormones …
Cravings For Salt or Sour Foods
If you’re more of a sweet-toothed kind of girl, and you suddenly notice your cravings are more towards the savory side, particularly salt or sour foods, this is a symptom of a boy coming your way.
The cravings are also likely to be rather uncontrollable too.
Bad news.
You Carry Your Bump Low
We should point out that there is no scientific or medical evidence to 100% confirm that if you carry your pregnancy bump low, that you’re about to have a son.
Some suggestions do point towards a lower bump being a male baby however, if you want to believe it.
You Feel Fired up, Perhaps a Little Aggressive
There is a suggestion that if you notice yourself feeling aggressive, fired up, or more domineering than you normally would be, that you are having a boy.
This is because of the increase in testosterone hormone, which could affect the way you behave.
The Color of Your Pee
If you really want to go around checking the color of your pee it is supposed to be darker than normal if you’re having a boy.
Girls are supposed to give you lighter pee.
In reality however, the color of your pee changes depending upon how hydrated you are, so this could be a red herring.
Your Right Breast is Larger
We know that most women generally have one breast larger than the other, and we also know that during pregnancy breasts get bigger, getting ready for the possibility of breastfeeding.
Many suggest that if your right breast grows larger than your left during pregnancy, it’s a sign of having a boy.
Your Feet Are Always Cold
If your feet are always cold regardless of whether it’s winter or summer it could be a sign that you’re having a boy.
On the flip-side if you are at all concerned about constant cold feet you should probably go and get that checked out with your doctor as it could be a sign of a circulation issue.
The Skin on Your Hands is Very Dry
Pregnancy hormones affect all different parts of our body and that includes skin too.
Many suggest that if you begin to notice dry skin on your hands, perhaps even cracking, then it could mean that you’re about to welcome a boy into the world.
Where You Gain Your Weight
This sounds similar to how you carry your bump, but it’s actually subtly different.
If you notice weight gain just on your mid-section, e.g. just on your bump/stomach, then you could be expecting a boy.
With girls, weight tends to be all over the place.
So have you noticed any of these signs?
Boy or Girl?
While these are all commonly bandied around signs and symptoms of a pregnant woman with a baby boy, we should point out that not one of them has been 100% proven by medical science.
It’s fun to look into these types of suggestions however, and when you find out for sure what you’re having, look back over the list and see which ones were true and which ones were way off center!
Now check out the list of symptoms for a baby girl for some more clues.
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322368.php
- https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/signs-of-having-a-boy
- https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/predicting-sex-of-baby
- https://www.webmd.com/baby/features/predicting-baby-gender#1