The short answer is yes, even if you are a virgin, but it is unlikely.
At its root, conception is actually a pretty simple thing.
When a sperm and an egg meet, conception happens. Normally, this happens by having penetrative vaginal sex, but really neither the sperm nor the egg care how it got there.
To top it off, sperms are pretty single-minded and there can be over a hundred million of them in an average ejaculation.
If the little guys find themselves in a vagina, they ARE going to go looking for an egg. It’s what they do.
Blame Mother Nature.
Stop Rambling and Tell Me HOW?!
So how would sperm get into a vagina without vaginal penetrative sex?
Well, it’s important to remember that sperm are pretty hardy little guys. The can live outside of a vagina for at least a few minutes. If the area is moist and warm, they can live even longer.
Again, they are also pretty good little swimmers. So, if your partner ejaculates at the entrance to your vagina or really anywhere that the semen could drip into or near your vagina there is a risk of pregnancy.
“Splash Conception” is Possible….But Unlikely
Some activities that may pose a risk for these splash conceptions include anal sex or naked simulated sex (dry humping).
In addition, if you give your partner oral sex and then kiss him, sperm can be transferred to his mouth.
If he then performs oral sex on you, the sperm can be introduced into your vagina.
Sperm can also be introduced through foreign objects, such as sex toys, that have come in contact with semen.
Finally, pregnancy could occur if either you or he have semen on their hands and touch around or inside your vagina.
It is exceedingly unlikely but conceivably possible that any of the above activities could cause pregnancy, even if your partner does not ejaculate.
Men often leak a clear fluid from the tip of their penis when they become aroused. This pre-ejaculate sometimes contains active sperm. These sperms also don’t care if your partner has ejaculated.
Get Creative…
The bottom line is that if you are looking to avoid pregnancy, don’t let fluids from your partner’s penis anywhere near your vagina.
Although slightly more difficult, fully-clothed simulated sex can produce orgasms in both partners.
Mutual masturbation is also safe, as long as no one touches your vagina after touching his penis.
The same goes for oral sex, as long as there is no cross-contact. For anything else, you will want to have some form of birth control, just to be safe.
Time to Think About Protection?
To be honest, if you are doing any of these activities, it’s probably time to think about protection regardless of pregnancy concerns.
Any activity with even a remote chance of causing pregnancy could certainly lead to a sexually transmitted disease. As hardy as sperms are, bacteria, viruses and parasites can live much longer outside of a vagina.
While birth control may prevent pregnancy, it does nothing to protect against STDs. Condoms and dental dams are the best protection against these.

- https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/pregnancy/can-i-get-pregnant-if-i-have-sex-without-penetration/
- https://americanpregnancy.org/getting-pregnant/can-you-get-pregnant-with-precum/
- https://teenhealthcare.org/blog/you-asked-it-pregnant-without-sex/
- https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/teens/ask-experts/my-boyfriend-and-i-had-sex-but-he-with-drawl-before-he-ejaculated-do-you-think-there-a-high-risk-of-being-pregnant-2