The head of the Cofer family wasn’t ready for the news he was about to receive. His wife was, about to tell him something important. His hilarious reaction would get caught on camera and would go viral in an instant.
Surprising Her Husband
Anissa wanted to surprise her husband in the best way possible. Unbeknownst to him, she had been feeling the symptoms of being pregnant and decided to buy a pregnancy test. The twist is that this wasn’t her first pregnant, it was her fourth. Once she found out the truth, she knew that she would find a way to make the news memorable for James.
Wanted A Hilarious Reaction
First, she needed to formulate her plan. The Cofer family is well known for their antics on TikTok, but she wanted this one to make her husband have a hilarious reaction. But how would she surprise him after he’d only been told this exact news three times before? What she did was genius.
An Elaborate Plan
Anissa wanted her fans to see the exact moment that James found out the truth, so she went on TikTok with the perfect caption. But before she could do that, she needed to create the gag. She decided to have her husband find out through a note. Who doesn’t love watching their loved ones’ reaction in real-time as they read fateful words?
With the note ready, Anissa now needed to find a way to hide it from her husband and have him find it in an unexpected way. Sure, she could just hand him the note, but where was the thrill in that? She had much bigger plans for the surprise.
Everything Set Up
She decided to put the note in a box. Then, when she got James’ attention, he’d find it and read the truth. But she wanted even more. The plan got more elaborate, and Anissa put the note in a FedEx box. Now, James would have no reason to suspect anything. When he came into the room, she told him that a package had arrived and she already opened it, but there was still a note that she hadn’t read. Everything was set up perfectly as James pulled out the note and read the fateful message written on the note.
The TikTok post’s caption was, “When you’re done having babies but get a positive test, and your husband’s reaction isn’t what you expected…excuse the language.” It made for a hilarious and sweet video that gives an inside look at the Cofer family.