Welcome to the Pregged pregnancy week-by-week series. Each week-by-week post is separated into three handy sections.
1. Mom – Section one covers the changes mom will experience and the things she may need to consider health-wise.
2. Baby – Section two looks at the development of the fetus and what’s going on with baby inside the womb.
3. Nutrition – Section three covers nutrition for each week of pregnancy so that you know what foods are important to include in your diet at each stage.
Your uterus can be felt just beneath your belly button now. Your doctor will start measuring the height of the uterus by placing one end on your pubic bone and the other at the top of the uterus. This is done in centimeters and corresponds to your gestational age. 20 centimeters equals 20 weeks along. You are probably noticing other changes now such as an increase in vaginal discharge. This is due to hormones. Estrogen makes it thinner, and later on, it will thicken due to progesterone. Some women have a glowing complexion throughout their pregnancy, but if you are the unlucky one to have acne now, rest assured that as the HCG level starts to fall closer to the third trimester, it will clear up.
And another thing kicks in around now, and that is low back pain. As the uterus pushes further upward and backward, it changes how you walk and stand erect. Another hormone known as relaxin loosens joints in your hips and spine which can leave you with backaches and pains. You can also injure muscles more easily because of this increase in flexibility.
Eat smaller meals and snacks now and do sit upright for a few hours after eating. This will help eliminate heartburn as long as you stay away from jalapenos.
Baby Development
Nerves need protection, and the myelin sheath starts to cover all nerves both in the brain, spinal, cord and elsewhere. Without myelin, the nerves won’t work well or fast enough. This sheath grows into adolescence. Folate keeps the nerves healthy among other things. So, don’t stop them. If you are having a baby girl, the uterus and fallopian tubes are ready and in position. Your little tomato or sweet potato is just under a half of a pound. Ears are erect and in their final spot with bones hardening inside—able to hear and recognize mama’s voice. Tiny teeth are coming into the gums, but of course not protruding yet. Even taste buds are starting to work—so watch the garlic, or you might have a steaming mad little fetus jumping around in rebellion. Baby sleeps a lot and yawns like you do all day long. Baby gulps down amniotic fluid and fills the bladder for release—making sure the pipes are working.
Pregnancy Nutrition Week 6
Vegetarians can thrive in pregnancy as long as they make sure their protein intake is adequate. Vegan mamas-to-be can grow babies with the best of the meat eaters with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Here’s a way to score your quota of the following vital nutrients. For vegan-friendly proteins to round out your veggies, look toward Legumes: These power plants are chock-full of protein, and you’re probably already old friends with split or green peas. Don’t forget soybeans, navy, pinto, kidney, black beans and chickpeas. Peanuts and peanut butter are a must have. Whole grains: Get a protein boost (plus plenty of baby-friendly B vitamins, including folate) from whole wheat, brown rice, or high protein pasta, whole-grain cereals, wild and brown rice. Ingredients such as quinoa, couscous, protein powder, wheat germ, and oats can be added to round out more delicious vegan meals.