Welcome to the Pregged pregnancy week-by-week series. Each week-by-week post is separated into three handy sections.
1. Mom – Section one covers the changes mom will experience and the things she may need to consider health-wise.
2. Baby – Section two looks at the development of the fetus and what’s going on with baby inside the womb.
3. Nutrition – Section three covers nutrition for each week of pregnancy so that you know what foods are important to include in your diet at each stage.
At 25 weeks pregnant, your rapidly-expanding uterus has now reached the size of a soccer ball and stretching your skin to the point of itching.
All that accommodation may cause your belly to itch. Slather on moisturizer or calamine lotion if needed because itchy skin. Other annoying source of itchiness is in the rectum as the uterus presses on all the blood vessels beneath it. hemorrhoids are dilated veins and can cause pain, itching, and bleeding. The chronic constipation is the likely cause and the best way to minimize them is to not strain or sit on the toilet a long time. Increase fruit, fiber, and water intake. Doing pelvic-floor exercises (Kegel exercises) can help too. In the meantime, try witch hazel pads or ice packs to soothe your sore bottom — and keep in mind they should go away after delivery.
Other infections such as vaginitis are also linked to premature births. So, be sure to report any itching or unusual vaginal discharge to your doctor.
Baby Development
Almost one and a half pounds and over I foot long now, and your baby is learning which way is up and down. Most babies ultimately end up head down, and that makes sense. How would you like sleeping with your head floating as opposed nestled low in the pelvis against the support of the pelvic bone? Some babies didn’t get that memo and end up feet first or sideways. The brain is getting smarter, and the hair color (if it could be seen) is present. Not all babies keep that color of hair, though. Baby is growing muscles and gaining more fat week by week. Time to make sure you have a pediatrician lined up and working on a birth plan. Don’t forget the classical music and reading to your sweet one.
Pregnancy Nutrition Week 6
You are not really eating for two. That’s ridiculous. What’s the deal with organic produce and other foods? A good rule-of-thumb is to buy organic if it is something you eat daily or often—like milk, eggs, bread, –the staples. But, it’s more expensive, and women for decades have been eating processed food with no ill effects. The debate about childhood allergies and autism being caused by foods is still ongoing. We just don’t have all the answers because the science is mixed. Frozen foods are better than canned ones, and fresh is always better than pre-cooked. Food coloring and high fructose sugar should be avoided if possible, so read the labels, Mothers!